
The Andes Begin | Comienzan La Cordillera

We are currently staying with in Belen, Catamarca with Antonio Avar and Fernanda Saracho, textile artists (www.avarsarachostock.com.ar/) at their home/shop with their family of 5 children. We're not the only visitors here, though. 

Also staying at Antonio's are Kurt and Lucas, two bike packers (US and German) who have been traveling for months and began riding together after meeting on the road two weeks ago. There's also Coco and Greg (Mexican and English), a couple who've just began biking and have been traveling around South America for years. We met up with Greg and Coco on the road earlier this week and camped with them for two nights, so seeing them here is a welcome reunion. Lastly there's Luciano, an Argentine couchsurfer who was staying here before the rest of us vagabonds showed up. Together we are seven traveling bandits, strumming a guitar through the streets of Belen and creating all sorts of crafts to trade and sell with Antonio's scrap yarn. The seven of us are staying one more night and cooking Antonio's family lunch to thank them for their immense generosity. 

Between Belen and Salta, we have encountered the mountains and the desert. A rusted bus on an empty highway. Carcasses of horses and cows (and several live llamas, besides).  

Estamos en Belen, Catamarca quedándonos con Alejandro Avar y Fernanda Saracho. Son artesanías de tejidos de lana y nos invitaron a su casa con su linda familia. No somos los únicos quienes están visitando. 

Tambien estamos con Kurt y Lucas, dos amigos viajando en bici desde Ecuador y México. Y Coco y Greg, una pareja de Mexico y Inglaterra quienes también están pedaleando hacia Ushuiah, recién empezando en Amaicha del Valle. 

Mañana vamos todos juntos hacia el sur. 

Entre aca y Salta encontramos muy lindas paisajes, mucho desierto y mucha gente super amorosa.

Jacque and an outcrop on RN 68, la Quebrada de las Conchas. | Jacque frente las piedras rojas en la Quebrada de las Conchas.

A bus accident from a bygone era. | Un bus veija en la Ruta.

Coco, Lucas, Kurt, and Greg in Antonio's courtyard. 

Textiles and yarn everywhere at the Avar Saracho household.

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